Truth is the basis of all Excellence ...

24 November 2014


Although India & Pakistan are traditional rivals, the cold war is continues all the time between them in every aspects. Whether it is battle field of Kargil, Kashmir or Cricket field, Pakistanis has given them very tough time, it was story of past time, now by the day time has changed, development and new technology has taken place so, war also being fight with latest technology. Now a days between India & Pakistan Internet hacking is continue it mean they have already started Cyber War. India & Pakistan has started the mission to hack their very secrete, Intelligence & high level govt. websites. This kind of thing started in 90’s decade but it was very little and slow, but now it has started very strongly and forcefully, India and Pakistan are hacking their Govt. websites.
              Few days ago i have listened this news that Indian hackers has hacked PPP's official website because last month bilawal was gave a statement about Kashmir issue  i think bilawal's statement was not taken well on the other side of border.
Pakistan People's Party's official website was hacked by an Indian group and they leave this massage on the web page:
 “To Citizens of Pakistan, Pakistan's Army, Pakistan Peoples Party and Specially Mr. Bilawal Bhutto . Without any Violence Let Me tell you that Pakistan will never Get Kashmir. This is the Truth. You Have to Accept it,” 
after this pakistani hackers take revenge to them and they hacked the press club of india's website 

according to Indian blog:
Pakistan hackers barged into Press Club of India (PCI) website on Thursday. In a retaliation, Pak-based hacker group- ‘Team Cyber Warriors' hacked After defacing PCI's homepage, the hackers had written: The hackers left a warning message on the website. "Our Target is your Government's Websites ... We will Inshalaah with The help of Many Muslim Hackers Take You Off From The Internet." "Your Credit Cards , Your Bank's Account , Your Servers ... Are In Danger ! We Never Forget what You Do against the Humanity ... In Jammu and Kashmir Millions Of People Were Dead... Pakistan's Muslims Are Killed In The Force's Attacks... Indian Forces Destroyed Kashmir's Families ...Killed Innocent Childrens ... But No One Cares !!!!," reads the message. The message ends with a challenge, "You Want To Stop Us !! But Let me guess ! Can a Men Catch a Shadow ?!." Dear Admin : We Just Want To Publish Our Message ! Dear Citizen : Muslims Are Not Terrorist ! Dear President : You Can Use Your Guns .... But You Will One Day Stop ... Not Because You Wouldn't But Because You Couldn't Anymore :) We are Holders mask Hidden ! We are Muslims --> Forever ! [sic] There was a Pakistan Flag at the bottom, with a message, "Expect Us! & Try to Catch Us: D Besides, the hackers had also posted derogatory meme abusing PM Narendra Modi. 
Chairperson Billawal Bhutto Zardari has later posted a massage on his twitter account after India's this reaction:
          "My 2 statements have robbed Hindustan of its sleep. This is just the beginning. Wait and see what happens next. Kashmir will become Pakistan!" he said.


British news agencies and news paper has also published this news.
 According to British news agency:
“Pakistani hackers have defaced 2,118 Indian websites including websites of Central Bank of India. A group identifying itself as “Team Mad Leets” claimed responsibility for the hacking.
Altering the webpage of Indian actress Ponam Panday, the hackers wrote Pakistan Zindabad on its main page and set National Anthem as its background music.
British News Agency stated that official of Indian Cyber Security claimed that Indian hackers defaced homepages of nearly hundred Pakistani websites, apparently in retaliation to the defacement of more than 2,000 Indian websites.
According to sources in Global Cyber Security Response Team (GCSRT), Bangalore, the website of Central Bank of India had also been targeted which remained offline even on Tuesday night.
He said most of the websites had been defaced with the handle “Striker Rude”, “Kashmir Cyber Army”, “Pak Cyber Expert”, “Hunter Gujar” and the operation was named as “#OP26jan”.”

As per above report India & Pakistan has hacked their thousands of websites and it is continue. If we see it in future prospect it seems to be a very dangerous picture. Few days ago we read a feature in a magazine in which a scientist wrote that 3rd world war will be fight through cyber. Now Asia is in the same situation, if it is true that we are going towards Cyber 3rd world war than who will stop and compensate the disaster and which International Organization will do it, because both sides may be lose their important & secrete information by this internet hacking, while Govt. or state is involve in doing these thing, it is not the matter to let down. The Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendar Moodi  has not said a single word against the hacking of Pakistani websites from India, it show that India is fully prepared to fight cyber war against Pakistan and in response what Pakistan is doing is most thinkable. Let’s see if the 3rd world war began or we are slowly going towards it where nothing but horrible disaster for world.

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