Truth is the basis of all Excellence ...

7 November 2014

A tear drop for our little fellows‏

Baqer eid is over, hence the craze for animals. Men and children aren’t roaming around with their animals anymore and here comes the sad part of our society where people aren’t really interested in animals which don’t interest their dining tables. 

Stray cats and dogs put a shame on our society where helpless, hungry animals have become a norm and no such governmental effort has yet been seen to address this issue. Whether its your mohala or a nearby meat market, you’ll see different breeds of street cats roaming around in search of food and shelter but why should we worry when there are hundreds of homeless hungry Pakistanis are facing same fate? We must worry, because animals can’t beg and cry, but humans can. 

Animals have certain rights like us and we must all stand front to protect and safeguard their rights. Our last Prophet was a an animal lover, he himself had cattle and many hadiths confirm that he had a sensitive heart for even edible animals, he taught us to be gentle even if we have to slaughter them.

Even in this selfish ignorant society, there are stars, these stars sparkle and illuminate the whole darkness and makes the difference. One such example is our beloved Abdul Sattar Edhi, his organization doesn’t just take care of hundreds of homeless sick people but he has separate ambulances for animal rescue and an animal shelter for their welfare. Aisha Chandigarh is another heroine of our society, her extra ordinary efforts for animal rescue and animal protection should be written with golden words, she built an animal shelter near suburbs of Karachi, this has a space for all helpless sick and stray animals like cats, dogs and domestic donkeys.  

 Pakistan Animal Welfare society PAWS in collaboration with vets such as Dr. Faisal and Dr. Otho Hussain works against animal cruelty and provides voluntarily first aid to injured sick animals. All these people make us realize that Pakistani society does have a heart for our little fellows. Lets make this society less painful for both humans and animals, together we can, together we can.